What’s up guys and welcome to another recipe on How to make Trrahana (Trahana Recipe). On today’s recipe, we’re making Trrahana which is an Albanian recipe. I’m not really sure how to explain this one but you make this with dried yogurt. To make trrahana, we are going to need these ingredients:
- Some bread preferably stale
- half a cup of Trrahana mixture
- and three cups of water
If you like to watch the Video Recipe Better.
Preparing the dish
Let’s add the water in a saucepan and put it to boil. While the water is boiling, in a small cup let’s mix together the Trrahana mixture and some water. Make sure to stir it really well. Now you might be wondering where do you find the trrahana mixture. Well there’s a couple of ways; the first one and the best one is to make it yourself but to make this yourself requires lots of effort and lots of time probably a few months.
The second best option is to ask some of your relatives in case there is somebody who makes this and is willing to sell it. Homemade trrahana taste is much better than store bought trrahana. If you’re in Albania, I would recommend asking some of your aunts and see if they know anybody who makes this and is willing to sell it. Now, if you’re in America, it’s probably impossible to find somebody who makes it here so the best option is to go to some of the Turkish store or middle eastern store and look there because most probably they’ll have it on their shelves.
Meanwhile, don’t forget to check my Instagram page @xhuliocooks where I post other recipes and restaurant reviews.

Finalizing Trrahana
In a small bowl let’s start breaking the bread just like in the video. As soon as the water starts boiling, we are going to add the mixture that we prepared earlier and some of the salt. Make sure you are continuously stirring because the trrahana tends to stick to the bottom of the pot. When we see that the mixture has become thicker and it started to boil, that’s how we know that the trahana is ready to be poured into the bread. Let’s pour the mixture over the bread and then top it off with some olive oil.
Trrahana is an amazing dish for your gut and it’s best to be consumed in the morning. I usually like to eat trahana with a couple of pickles.
If you did like this Recipe, don’t forget to subscribe to my Youtube Channel and I’ll see you on the next Recipe.
If you like bread, you will definitely love this recipe.

How to make Trrahana (Trahana Recipe)
- as much as you like Bread
- 1/2 cup Trrahana Mix
- 3 cups Water
- 1 tbsp Olive Oil
Preparing the Trrahana
- Let’s add the water in a saucepan and put it to boil. While the water is boiling, in a small cup let’s mix together the Trrahana mixture and some water. Make sure to stir it really well. Now you might be wondering where do you find the trrahana mixture. Well there’s a couple of ways; the first one and the best one is to make it yourself but to make this yourself requires lots of effort and lots of time probably a few months.
- The second best option is to ask some of your relatives in case there is somebody who makes this and is willing to sell it. Homemade trrahana taste is much better than store bought trrahana. If you’re in Albania, I would recommend asking some of your aunts and see if they know anybody who makes this and is willing to sell it. Now, if you’re in America, it’s probably impossible to find somebody who makes it here so the best option is to go to some of the Turkish store or middle eastern store and look there because most probably they’ll have it on their shelves.
Finalizing Trrahana
- In a small bowl let’s start breaking the bread just like in the video. As soon as the water starts boiling, we are going to add the mixture that we prepared earlier and some of the salt. Make sure you are continuously stirring because the trrahana tends to stick to the bottom of the pot. When we see that the mixture has become thicker and it started to boil, that’s how we know that the trahana is ready to be poured into the bread. Let’s pour the mixture over the bread and then top it off with some olive oil.
- Trrahana is an amazing dish for your gut and it’s best to be consumed in the morning. I usually like to eat trahana with a couple of pickles.